Testimony by Geetha Baskaran

8th July 2022. My name is Geetha. In 2017 was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of appendix (with secondary malignant peritoneal deposits). This involved multiple organs. On 13 October 2017, I had to go through a 14-hour major surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC)]. This surgery is a two-step procedure that treats cancers in the abdomen. Cancerous tumours are surgically removed, and then heated chemotherapy drugs are applied directly inside the abdomen to eliminate the remaining cancerous cells.

During my post-surgery 17 days in the ICU, high-dependence and surgical wards, I looked like a ‘transformer’ from the movies. I had multiple tubes, attached to the left and right of my body. I encountered two devastating events. In January 2018, my 60-year-old elder brother suddenly passed away due to a brain haemorrhage. My bubbly 80-year-old mother’s health condition took a turn for the worse – she had a massive heart attack and onset of dementia. She passed away peacefully in her sleep in March 2018.

It was challenging to manage my medical condition. I lost 20 kilos. During my recovery, I had to be rushed to the hospital three times for complications and dehydration. Each time, God gave me His strength and grace to commit my challenges to Him and not to focus on my problems. God was with me all the time. My mantra during this time was “Jesus heal me, Jesus be with me, Jesus bring angels to give me the courage to move forward.” I spent my 6 months recovery time meditating on scripture. It was a period of rest, renewal, and strengthening my relationship with God. My problems may seem big, but God is bigger. My circumstances were overwhelming but I cling onto God’s promise that He will never leave me or forsake me. My journey ahead is uncertain but I am certain of this – God is great. All the time.

My stoma bag was reversed and I went back to work on 30 April 2018, after 6.5 months.  With God’s grace, I have been on remission for 4.8 years now. All praise to God for His blessings and favour. My grateful thanks to His angels on Earth (healing prayer team at SJSM, fellowship team at HCF, multi-disciplinary medical team at NUH, bosses and colleagues at NUS, friends, well-wishers and strangers who reached out to me). Last but not least, my gratitude to my treasured siblings, ever-supportive family and angelic domestic help (Sini). Every day is a gift. Thank you, Jesus. All glory to God. Amen.

Published on Thursday, July 21st, 2022 under Latest Posts, Testimonies

Jesus Christ, the faithful witness

2021 was a difficult year. Covid was the timekeeper. Vaccine mandates and passports dominated group chats.  The pagan god of Covid is invasive, destructive and a formidable enemy.

Meetings were exclusively on-line. Zoom church became the norm for many. Will 2022 be any different for HCF?  HCF exists to motivate and train healthcare staff to be effective witnesses, and build God’s kingdom through prayer, evangelism and discipleship. Many faithful co-laborers came before us. Many will come after us to serve the Kingdom of God through their talents, time and treasures. Now is our time to plough deep into this ministry and bear witness to the wondrous works of God in a world that rejects Christ . Our future is hopeful because our Lord Jesus promised to build His church (Matt 16:18), regardless of political leaders, or covid. Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first-born from the dead, is the ruler over the kings of the earth (Rev 1:5). We are unfazed by the prophets of doom and gloom. Those who fix their eyes on God and hold on to eternal truths can effectively negotiate the right pace of life.  The writer of Hebrews 10:23 encourages us to “ hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful”.  We enter this New Year with deep gratitude to our unchanging, ever-loving, heavenly Father who bore us on eagles’ wings (Exo 19:4). May we be found faithful and fruitful in 2022 and beyond. Happy New Year, beloved brethren!

Dr. Boey Mee Leng

Published on Friday, May 6th, 2022 under Latest Posts, TEAM LEADER's Message

Health Christian FellowshipHealthcare Christian Fellowship
January 2019 Newsletter

This bulletin highlights our activities in 2018. There
was a notable increase in student involvement. We
thank God for His faithfulness, guidance & wisdom
as we serve & honor him in the health fields.

President’s Message

“What’s in for 2019?” A valid question on everyone’s lips. Someone warned of a more “dangerous & volatile world”. Still, a New Year brings hope, new dreams, and opportunities for change. We all look forward to better days & peace on earth.

It’s everywhere. Listen to the sound of striving. Make happiness an end, and faith a means. A man is won over. It makes little difference what kind of worldly end he is pursuing. Good health, financial stability, or a happy family.

Apostle Paul wrote about the pursuit of Christ that surpasses everything. “I count all things to be a loss in view of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Philippians 3:8) This passionate pursuit of Christ as treasure marked his life. Few people really want more of Him than anyone or thing on earth.

What then are the implications when we embrace Christ as treasure? We live holy lives; have holy desires, ambitions, purposes, plans and make holy relationships and alliances. Every aspect of life is an act of obedience to Him.

Remember Jesus definition of a true disciple. The 3 ‘must’. Deny self, take up the cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23). A daily affair throughout 2019. Forsake self-aggrandizement, self-righteousness, self-sufficiency, self- ambition, self-indulgence. Cross-bearing entails suffering and pain. Follow Him at all costs.

Beware of the real danger of a divided heart. One that worships the Lord and also serves other ‘gods’ in accordance with the customs of the nations we’re in ( 2Kings 17:33). The apostle John admonished “… keep yourselves from idols.” 1John 5:21.

HCF will remain strong when God is on the throne of our lives and our Fellowship. Meetings, programs, activities won’t matter more than prayer, or time alone with Him. We labor on with God-given energy, which so powerfully works in us (Col 1: 29). We will persevere, endure hardships for His namesake and not grow weary.

Let 2019 be another year where Christ be magnified as we gaze at His glory and radiate His likeness for others to see as they come into our lives (2 Cor 3:18).

May His blessings be yours in abundance this New Year.

Dr Boey Mee Leng

Healthcare Christian Fellowship
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New Year Day of Prayer-6 January 2018

Speaker Prof Hooi

New Year Day of Prayer-6 January 2018


New Year Day of Prayer – 6 January 2018

The year began with prayer and dedication to the Lord. Medical students of the Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF) led in worship. Prof Hooi Shing Chuan from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine gave a powerful message from the book of Haggai Chapter 1. Haggai called the people of Israel to rebuild the house of the Lord and to consider their ways. It was a timely reminder of our calling as health care workers in the marketplace. 50 participants from various hospitals engaged in concerted prayer for healthcare in Singapore.

HCF Malaysia-Singapore Conference
Penang, 20-22 April 2018

Stella Hooi praying for the young people

Stella Hooi praying for the young people

Miri delegates

The Singapore team

The Conference was held at the Rainbow Paradise Beach Resort,Penang. 73 participants attended, including 5 from Myanmar and 12 from Singapore. The keynote speaker, Prof Maniam’s messages on the “Beatitudes” were deep and inspirational. Dr. Boey spoke on “Sanctification”. Both speakers encouraged believers to walk in obedience to the Lord. Our brethren from Penang were impeccable hosts. Delegates were refreshed and blessed by the Word, testimonies, and prayer. Bilateral ties were strengthened.

Regional HCF Meeting 3 – 6 May 2018

Regional HCF Meeting 3 - 6 May 2018

23 brethren from 6 member countries were represented at this annual meeting at the Bangkok Christian Guesthouse. In addition to the update of events/activities from each country, an interesting session on “ Coaching” was conducted by Dr. David Wong, from Malaysia. The July 2019 Regional HCF Conference in Bangkok was a subject of intense and lively discussion. Program content, potential speakers and workshops were hotly debated and shared with Ms. Nisa Lee who represented the HCF Thai Organizing Conference team.


Total Patient Care Workshop – 14 April 2018

Regional HCF Meeting 3 - 6 May 2018

The 12 participants were nurses mainly from the Ebenezer Malayalam church. Participants commented that whole patient care is seldom practiced in totality in secular healthcare institutions. Reasons for avoidance and ways to overcome them were robustly discussed and prayed over.

Hospital Visitation Seminar – 17 November 2018

30 persons from different churches attended our annual training seminar on Hospital Visitation. The objective was to equip the participants to effectively minister to patients during the Christmas and Chinese New Year outreaches. The biblical reasons for hospital ministry and the do’s and don’t’s were addressed. Volunteer-patient interaction was demonstrated by role play. Dr Stephen Hsu and Chiew Hwa were the trainers.Participants feed-back was positive and many were blessed by the training.

Healthcare Christian Fellowship
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Student Ministry

Varsity Christian Fellowship- Medical/ Nursing Students Meeting: 18 October 2018 National University of Singapore

Varsity Christian Fellowship – Medical / Nursing Students Meeting: 18 October 2018 National University of Singapore

Approximately 40-45 students were present at this meeting entitled “Clinical Pearls”. This was one of a series of talks to prepare the students for working life. The unbiblical worldview of separation of spiritual from the secular was addressed. A belief that held many captive in health care. The 4 invited speakers were : Dr Ben Siow (house-officer), Dr Lois Hong (medical officer), Ng Kim Choo (Nurses Christian Fellowship), and Dr Boey (HCF). Each speaker shared about their experiences in the marketplace of health care. The students asked many searching questions. “ What was the most crushing experience you’ve have had; how does one make a choice in the Residency program; why choose Sierra Lone for missions; when was the first time you prayed with a patient; is it worldly to do ministry despite the tiredness that busy health carers daily face? It was time well-spent.

China Medical Fellowship 5 Dec 2018

China Medical Fellowship 5 Dec 2018

We had the privilege of having fellowship with 3 Christians from China. They gave an update of the medical fellowships in their nation and shared about the many struggles health care Christians face in their personal and corporate lives. We prayed for each other and gave thanks to God for binding our hearts together in love.

Dental Student Prayer Meeting

Dental Student Prayer Meeting, 25 October 2018
Theme: Kingdom Living- Faith and Work

30 dental-related practitioners attended this monthly prayer meeting. Dental students were in majority. CMDF Chaplain, Rev Dr Tan gave a short message on ending the race of life well by committing to the cause of Jesus Christ and being active in community work. Dr Boey shared about integrating faith and work and the practical implications of being a follower of Jesus. The meeting ended with prayer in small groups of 4-5 persons.

Dr. Jason Huang’s comment – “Thank you Dr Boey for encouraging all of us with your biblical and personal sharing. Thank God for showing us young practitioners the higher ways of God’s kingdom. I am confident that the Spirit’s ripple effect will be felt greatly.”

Overseas Venture

Kaohsiung,Taiwan 6-9 September 2018

Medical students

Medical students

Luke Ministry

Luke Ministry

Chiew Hwa and Dr. Boey met with a few medical students of Kaohsiung Medical School. The students were involved in missions and had plans to reach out to their fellow students. An elderly doctor of the Luke Ministry remembered the visit of our late Francis Grim to Taiwan. Mrs. Louise Tay first introduced HCF to Taiwan. Currently, 2 Christian healthcare organizations are active in Taiwan: Chinese Christian Medical Mission and Taiwan Christian Medical Association. HCF is grateful to Dr. Lawrence Chia and his wife Jane, who facilitated the meetings. Dr. Chia heads the Saline Solution training in Taiwan.

Healthcare Christian Fellowship
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HCF Hongkong Retreat, 23-25 November 2018
Venue: Auditorium, Princess Margaret Hospital

HCF Hongkong Retreat

3 Action Team members from Singapore (Peter So and Wife Pat, Chiew Hwa and Dr. Boey) joined the retreat. Dr. Alvin Ling, chairman of HCF Hong Kong, started the meeting with a sharing on “Evangelism and HCFI”. Dr. Boey spoke On “Labouring for God”, and “The Glorious Gospel Invitation”. The meeting ended with communion service by Pastor Simon Tse and prayer in small groups. Amongst the 40 participants, 3 were from mainland China. After dinner, Dr. Boey shared on the principles of strategic planning for HCF. Our brethren in HK remained faithful and zealous for the things of God in healthcare and their nation. We are inspired by their love for God and for us. HCF Singapore is greatly blessed by this strong tie with our brethren in HongKong.


Chinese New Year blessing 24 Feb 2018 ( TTSH & NUH ); Christmas Caroling 8-22 Dec 2018 – Mount Elizabeth Hospital (Orchard & Novena), National University Hospital (NUH),TTSH, Gleneagles Hospital.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year



Chinese New Year and the Christmas season saw volunteers & staff joining hands as they brought gifts, songs and cheer to patients in 5 hospitals. They were deeply touched by the warm response from health care staff and patients. This yearly act of kindness is a huge blessing to patients & volunteers alike.


New Year Day of Dedication & Prayer

Date : Saturday, 19 January 2019
Theme : Pursuing Christ and His Purposes
Venue :
Dover Park Hospice Conference Hall
10 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Spore 308436
Time : 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Speaker ::
Rev Dr Tan Soo Inn

Chinese New Year Outreaches:

Saturday, 16th February 2019

Malaysia – Singapore HCF
Prayer Summit

Date : 22 – 24 March 2019
Venue :
Riverside Hotel, Ipoh, Malaysia
Contact :
012 913 2861 or

Action Team 2019

Dr Boey Mee Leng
Tan Chiew Hwa,
Peter So,
Dr Stephen Chew,
Dr Santhos Lionel Thomas,
Dr Karuna
Admin assistant – Mary Rajasvery

Renewal of Subscription

$15 per year.

Please send check to :
“Healthcare Christian Fellowship”

and mail to :
Treasurer, 16 Lentor Place, Singapore 789003

Information on “Membership” is available on our website

Donations : please mail check/s to above address

Email : hcfsing@gmail.com
Website : http:/www.hcf.org.sg

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations….” Matt 28:19-20

Published on Tuesday, February 19th, 2019 under Latest Posts

President’s Message

2017 has been eventful. Dark clouds hovered over global issues- social, political, economic, environmental, Joy and sorrow walk hand in hand in life. Uncertainty rules 2018 and beyond. Scripture warns of difficult and challenging times ahead ( Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 ). The world and that of healthcare isn’t heading for utopia.

Think of workplace and immediately, images of a battle-field appears. The heavy weight of rapid change crushes even the strong in spirit. Protocols, deadlines, key performance indices (KPIs), competition in research, relational conflicts, are but a few demands we face at work. What impact then do we have in healthcare? Jesus challenges us, the believers, to be salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”( Matt 5:13 )

Why saltless? An unbiblical worldview of ‘secular-spiritual divide’ and poverty in prayer weakens our vocation. Do we give prayer the leftover of our time or treat it as ‘last resort’ strategy, when there is no other way out? Are patients mere recipients of medical care, our research trophies or prized investment?

Aren’t they, like us, by nature, children of wrath ( Eph 2:8 ), and in dire need of God’s salvation? Do we weep over our patients? Yes, healthcare has many praying men, but few men of prayer.

A New Year often begins with reflections, renewed resolutions, and re-alignment of goals. Yet for some, the only change is the date on their desk-top calendar. Time moves on relentlessly. It is unstoppable and non-negotiable.

Let us enter year 2018, watchful, alert and prayerful, as our Lord Jesus instructed us ( Luke 21: 36 ). Pray that our sightless eyes be anointed by God, the Holy One, to see Him as He is, a God of love and the Righteous Judge over the world.

Make it your ambition to pursue a deepening knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and spiritual maturity, which will lead to stability and prevent one from being tossed about or led astray by fear or false beliefs.( 2 Peter3:18 ).

May His blessings be yours in abundance this New Year.

Dr Boey Mee Leng

Published on Tuesday, May 29th, 2018 under Latest Posts


  • Jesus Christ, the faithful witness: 2021 was a difficult year. Covid was the timekeeper. Vaccine mandates and passports dominated group chats.  The pagan god of Covid is invasive, destructive and a formidable enemy. Meetings were exclu Read More

Christian Hope in the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Christian Hope in the Coronavirus Pandemic: “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer”. Romans 12:12 12 April 2020 The Coronavirus has been labelled an ‘equalizer’. Male, female, rich, poor, agnostics, and the religio Read More

Monthly Prayer Meetings

Venue: No 16 Lentor Place, Singapore 789003
Date: 3rd Saturday of the month
Time: 2.30 pm - 5.00pm

You are cordially invited to join us in worship and prayer to our heavenly Father who alone is worthy of all praise and honor. Let us unite our hearts in prayer as we commit the healthfields of our nation to Him who alone can do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.

Support HCF Singapore

HCF is a non-profit ministry, sustained through the prayerful support of God’s people. Click Here to learn more about how you can support our work.

Pay to:
DBS Account No: 100-0220606-6
Swift code: dbsssgsg

Click Here to learn more about how you can support our work.

HCF Mailing List


  • Testimony by Geetha Baskaran - 8th July 2022. My name is Geetha. In 2017 was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of appendix (with secondary malignant peritoneal deposits). This involved multiple organs. On ...
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