8 Sep 2016
When I had SLE, well- meaning Christian friends brought me to different churches and “healing” services. However, I doubted the existence of God and I did not have the faith to believe in Him.
On 16 July 2015, I went to one of the many regular checkups with my long time rheumatologist / immunologist, Dr Boey.
We had a tough conversation about my health and I started to get agitated and anxious. Suddenly, Dr Boey asked; “Can I pray for you?” I thought: “If someone wants to help me, why not? So I said “Sure!”.
When I repeated the words of a prayer after her, I experienced an avalanche of intense emotions. I couldn’t stop crying and my body heaved with sobs as I prayed to be forgiven, this time with conviction. On that day, I was born of the Spirit. I tasted a fruit of the Spirit; faith. I finally understood what it meant to take a leap of faith and did what my Christians have been telling me for so long: only believe!
Following that life changing moment, I was hungry to learn more and attended the Alpha course that was newly launched in a neighborhood church. It was part of their Market Place ministry which was generously sponsored and supported by a couple of Christian Venture Capitalists. The timing of their sessions and the venue were ideal for me. God had planned it so perfectly!
It was a great way to start my Christian walk. I met inspiring Christians in a friendly environment. I thoroughly enjoyed the 15 weeks of lessons. I was then invited by a long-time, close friend to the Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). Study of the book of Revelation in 2016 is a first for BSF in Singapore. There was a bumper crop of students. Despite doubling the sessions, places were very scarce. Since I was not a pre-existing student, my chances of enrolling were slim. I chuckled when the speaker said; “If you don’t get a phone call from us, don’t call us, just pray.” I knew BSF was hard work so I thought the possibility of nonselection was a great way to get off the hook! God knew better and to my surprise, I was offered a place.
After 3 months in BSF, I was taken off the steroids completely! As a new believer and a newbie in BSF, it was mind boggling initially, but the structure of the study, the close fellowship with the group members and the daily walk with the Lord were so gratifying. I learnt to pray and listen to Him through the Word.
Being close to Him allowed God to work in my life. I hardly dared to wish for it, but He knows everything and He gave me what I longed for most; a miracle healing.
On 1st September 2016, I was baptized. Now I am joyful and comforted that I am sealed and marked as a child of God, Praise the Lord!